Transforming Lives Three Days a Week

Join our efforts to serve and house more Northwest Austin neighbors experiencing homelessness.

From Homeless to Housed

From the beginning, The Charlie Center has served neighbors experiencing homelessness with compassion and excellence. Every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, our staff and volunteers take a process-driven, holistic approach to help neighbors navigate from homeless to housed. And with your support, more than 150 neighbors have moved into housing.

What we do changes lives. And with more opportunities to serve neighbors, we can change more lives.

Help us Serve Three days a Week!

When The Charlie Center first opened our doors, we were proud to offer two days of comfort and navigation services each week. And through support from community members like you, we have added a third day, providing more connection to services, more meals, and more caring, healing community to our neighbors in need.

Help us continue growing our services by:

Together, we can transform lives and make a lasting impact in our community!

A Day at The Charlie Center

What’s in a day at The Charlie Center?


The Charlie Center provides respite from the challenges of the street. Charlie is a place with hot food, strong coffee, and friendly faces…a place to set down bags, get needs met with dignity, and take a deep breath in the safety of community.

These calm, comfortable times are a gift we’re proud to share, and they are only possible because of the donations we receive from local supporters like you.


Our customized approach to navigation takes neighbors by the hand, ensuring they understand and feel supported through every step of the journey. Team members do everything to support the stability our neighbors deserve.

We provide care with dignity, compassion, humility, and transparency. Building trust takes time and consistency, and our approach ensures we’re reliable partners in what can feel like a daunting process.


For people experiencing homelessness, shelter and comfort aren’t the only challenges. Access to communication tools, medical care, government benefits, and other sources of financial, physical, and social supports create stability on the road to housing.

As part of the homeless response system, The Charlie Center collaborates with local service providers to bring partners onsite, reducing the required time and complexity to meet needs. We maintain relationships with mission-aligned organizations serving our neighbors to provide continuity of care.


The Charlie Center is more than a navigation center; it is a community of Central Texans committed to a brighter future for our homeless friends. Clients, volunteers, and staff share meals and stories and celebrate milestones on the path to housing.

The Charlie Center is a shared space for dignity, compassion, connection, and community.


The Charlie Center has become such a meaningful space for unhoused community members because of the support we receive from people and congregations here in Central Texas.

Thank you for all you’re doing to love and house our neighbors in Austin. We’re excited to continue our work together!

The Charlie Center is a navigation center whose goal is moving people from homelessness into housing. And our continuous work is loving people between the two.